State of Kentucky Feed Tonnage FAQ


What is the purpose of the tonnage report?

Tonnage reports are required and used exclusively for two purposes:

a.    The report is a means for feed manufacturers and ingredient suppliers to report and pay the required inspection fees.

b.    It gathers information for the publication of the annual report concerning the sales, production and use of commercial feed. The report does not list or disclose any individual feed products sold by a dealer or manufacturer.

How do I receive a tonnage report?

Tonnage forms are automatically generated by this office and are mailed or emailed quarterly.

What is the minimum inspection fee?

The minimum inspection fee per quarter is $25.00.

What are wet byproduct feed fees?

The inspection fee for distillers’ wet grains and other distillers’ by-products, brewers’ wet grains and whey distributed without further processing to the final purchaser that contain more than 75% moisture is 5 cents ($0.05) per ton.

What firms pre-pay tonnage fees?

Certain firms in Kentucky pre-pay tonnage fees on the ingredients they produce. Click here to find a list of those firms.

When is the tonnage report due?

The tonnage report should be remitted by the due date and no later than the delinquent date.



Due Date

Delinquent Date

1st Quarter

January – March

April 30th

May 15th

2nd Quarter

April – June

July 30th

August 15th

3rd Quarter

July – September

October 30th

November 15th

4th Quarter

October – December

January 30th

February 15th

What is my late fee?

Any reports received after the delinquent date will be subject to late fees between $25 or 10% of the tonnage fees (whichever is greater).

I have an old form, can I use it?

No, our software system is set up to use only the tonnage report you have received for each quarter. The computer generated barcodes are important and distinct to each report we issue. Please DO NOT submit tonnage reports on any old or adjusted forms.

What if I misplaced my tonnage form?

If your report was misplaced simply contact our office and we will gladly be sure you get another copy of the proper report.

This is my first tonnage report, what are the tables for?

Table 1: Table 1 provides for recording tonnage information for formula and customer formula mixed feeds. Here you will list the tons sold by feed class. This is where we require a listing of the companies from which you purchased ingredients with pre-paid inspection fees.

Table 2: Table 2 allows the reporting firm to claim credit for inspection fees paid by a seller whether as part of an invoice or other agreement. The seller should provide this information to the buyer, and if possible, the company number assigned by the Division of Regulatory Services. List the name, city, and state of each seller followed by the total tonnage used for the quarter.

Table 3: Lists tonnage of feed ingredients sold. The “Exempt” column lists ingredient tonnage sold to others who will be responsible for paying the inspection fee or sales of feed ingredients from which you purchased ingredients with pre-paid inspection fees. The “Non-exempt” column lists ingredient tonnage in which inspection fees are due from the firm filing the tonnage report. Total the “Non-exempt” column and place the total on the “Total for Table 3” line and on line “D” of the fee calculation table on page one.

Table 4: For ingredients sold as “exempt” on table 3, list the registered buyers company number, city and state, and the total tons sold during the quarter in table 3. Table 4 must account for the total tons declared as “Exempt” in Table 3

Table 5: Enter the total for each category on the proper lines and calculate the total for this table. Enter the total on the “Total for Table 5” line and also on table 6, line “L”.

Table 6: Table 6 is for calculating the total inspection fees due for the wet by-product feeds sold on table 5. After the total from table five is listed on line “L” multiply  this total by $0.05/ton and enter the figure on line “M” and on line “G” of the feed calculation table on page one.

How do I list the tons sold if it does not fit a feed category?

If one of the feed categories does not exactly fit your product just choose the closest category. Stock feeds will generally be beef feed even if the tag says it can be fed to beef, horses, goats, and swine.  Customer formula feeds should be placed in the category that describes their purpose, most likely beef or dairy in our market.

What category is calf feed?

Calf feed is beef or dairy.

What category does “pet” chicken feed go in?

Feed for gamebirds, turkey, and “pet” chickens are considered poultry feed.

I have another issue or question.

For additional assistance or questions feel free to contact our auditor or feed department